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About Hayes Barton Baptist Church


We Are A Growing, Dynamic, Caring Community Of Faith

Hayes Barton Baptist Church is a community of faith, hope, and love. Founded in 1926, we are a Baptist church in the moderate tradition, proclaiming the Lordship of Jesus Christ and honoring historic Baptist principles.

Our worship style may be best described as “traditional,” but our programs and ministries for children, youth, and adults are contemporary and responsive to the changing needs of people in today’s world. As a body of believers, we value unity in Christ and diversity in membership.

Because we believe the Gospel calls us to be on mission in the world, sharing the presence of Christ in word and deed, we partner with numerous Christian organizations in mission and ministry.

While we have many Baptist affiliations worldwide, we relate primarily with the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship (CBF) and Raleigh Baptist Association (RBA). Our organizational structure is outlined in our Church Constitution and Bylaws.


What We Believe

“This Body, founded on the principles of Baptist faith and composed of persons who believe in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, in the authority of the Holy Scriptures, in the priesthood of the believer, in the competency of the soul in matters of religion, in the autonomy of the local church, in believer’s baptism, in religious liberty and in the separation of church and state, shall be known as Hayes Barton Baptist Church.” Hayes Barton Baptist Church Constitution, Article I, Section 1.

Hayes Barton Baptist Church is committed to historic Baptist principles. At Hayes Barton, you will find people who share a broad spectrum of theological perspectives and yet united in the following beliefs:


Jesus Christ Is Lord And Savior

We believe in Jesus Christ as the incarnate Son of God, who by the Holy Spirit was born of the virgin Mary, through whom we have deliverance from sin and death and the promise of eternal life.

The Authority Of The Holy Scriptures

We believe in the scriptures as contained in the Old and New Testaments as the inspired Word of God, the sufficient rule for both faith and practice.

Priesthood Of The Believer

We believe in the freedom and right of every Christian to interpret and apply scripture under the leadership of the Holy Spirit. We affirm the freedom and responsibility of every person to relate directly to God without the imposition of creed, the control of clergy or the interference of government.

Competency Of The Soul In Matters Of Religion

We believe that every person stands as a competent individual before God and is responsible to determine what his or her conscience dictates is right.


Autonomy Of The Local Church

We believe that Baptist churches are free, under the Lordship of Christ and guidance of the Holy Spirit, to determine their membership and leadership, to order their worship and work, to ordain whomever they perceive as gifted for ministry, and to participate, as they deem appropriate, in the larger Body of Christ.


Believer’s Baptism

We believe that baptism by immersion is the New Testament model and that it is to be administered upon a person’s profession of faith in Jesus Christ as Lord.

Religious Liberty

We believe in religious freedom for all people, regardless of creed.

Separation Of Church And State

We believe religious liberty is best protected when church and state are institutionally separated and neither tries to perform or interfere with the essential mission and work of the other.


The Hayes Barton Every Member Challenge

At HBBC, we believe in building a close community of church members, so we challenge each and every one of our members to:



The Hayes Barton Baptist Church Mission

Love God, Make Disciples Of Christ, Build Up The Church

Jesus Said…


“You Shall Love The Lord Your God With All Your Heart, And With All Your Soul, And With All Your Mind, And With All Your Strength; [And] … Your Neighbor As Yourself.”

The Great Commandment
Mark 12:30–31


“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”

The Great Commission
Matthew 28:18–20


“I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not prevail against it.”

The Great Community
Matthew 16:18